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Baby Tiger

Join Pack 58 on a WILD Adventure!
Saturday Night, November 3, 2018

We are FULL!  Email Rob to get on the Waiting list!


A once-in-a-lifetime sleepover... IN A ZOO!!

Arrive Saturday evening at the beautiful Columbia Riverbanks Zoo & Garden.  Our Pack will have "VIP" status to stay behind while the crowds go home!


In the evening, we will be escorted around the Zoo for a special program on "Night Creatures".  Animals are much more active in the evening and we will get to see that firsthand!  In the morning, the Zoo will help us on advancements!  


See the program description below and please save the date!









Night Creatures (Saturday night)
Nocturnal animals are not creepy, just misunderstood creatures with incredible adaptations to help them survive after dark. Join the fun as we dispel some common myths about animals that prefer night to day!

Cub Scout Expedition (Sunday morning)
Join us for a wild time as we learn about water pollution and how the 3R's help us
conserve resources, including animals! We will hike the River Trail and learn about
local species and their conservation status. Plus, discover how Riverbanks is making
a positive impact on the environment and how your everyday decisions can
have the same positive power.

The Cub Scout Expedition Program and activities will work toward Cub Scout Electives and Achievements. Based on registered troop level, the program will cover:

  • Lions - Animal Kingdom #3*; Mountain Lion #3;

  • Tigers - My Tiger Jungle #1, 2, and 3; Tigers in the Wild #4, 6, and 7.

  • Wolf - Call of the Wild #6; Paws on the Path #5 and 6; Grow Something #3; Code of the Wolf #2a; Spirit of Water #1 and 2.

  • Bear - Fur, Feather and Fern #1-6, Paws for Action #2b.

  • Webelos - Adventures in Science #2; Building a Better World #6d; Into the Wild #3*, 5, 6-9a.

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