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ScoutBook & Advancements Records
Upon registration with the Pack & BSA, all families are entered in our on-line database, "ScoutBook".
We use this to communicate to the Pack as a whole or to individual Dens. Therefore, its really important that each account is linked to an actively monitored email.
Leaders and Parents can use ScoutBook to record attendance and advancement progress on-line.
Leaders can administer their entire Dens and can enter records for each Cub.
Parents can see only their Cub's info. So, if you complete a requirement at home, you can mark it off yourself!
ScoutBook is linked to BSA National's training resources, including Youth Protection, Outdoor Safety & other courses that will help Leaders & Parents serve youth.
This also helps us purchase awards, which are supplied as part of Dues.
Contact the Pack Committee Chair with questions.
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