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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024
Fun in the Great Outdoors!

Pack 58's Fisher Farm Camp-Out in Davidson is our annual kick-off event to start the new year.  ALL FAMILY MEMBERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US for a full day of activities, dinner, and campfire.  


  • Start time is 1pm on Saturday, September 28, 2024.  Arrive early to Register and set up!  

  • Address:  21215 Shearer Rd, Davidson, NC

  • COST: NO COST! Bring your own "tin-foil dinner" (see info packet for instructions)

  • HEALTH FORMS REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS; submitted annually, so only needed once this year
  • Group Activities by rank from 1PM - 4:30PM We’ll then have downtime while we get ready for dinner.  

  • Night Activity - Campfire Program with skits, songs & fun!

Camping on Saturday evening is optional but encouraged!  If you are camping, you may arrive as early as 11 am to set up camp.  If you've never camped, the Pack has a limited number of "loaner" tents... give it a shot!!

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Here is what you can expect...



Scouting Skills Day is a wonderful way to kick off the year.  It allows new Pack members the chance to get to know other Scouts in their Den as well as other members of the Pack.  We have a great time being together in the outdoors and enjoying the fellowship of Pack 58.



It is Pack 58’s philosophy that if you get a Scout outdoors you can instill a life-long passion for the environment and love of nature.  We take every opportunity to gather around a campfire.  Camping outdoors is a great learning experience in itself.  Scouts learn how to have fun without the comforts of home and all those electronic distractions!  



We will divide into groups based on grade (K-5th) and rotate through  outdoor activities.  Scouts will have the opportunity to work on a skit or song to present at the evening campfire.  This is a wonderful activity that encourages the Scouts to work together.  Presenting the skit or song in front of the Pack teaches presentation skills and builds individual confidence. 



Scouts and leaders in Class B uniform (Pack 58 T-shirt and Scout shorts), hat is optional.   



It is essential that you READ the Scouting Skills packet provided on this page. It gives you all of the details necessary to have a great experience for this event.  Pack list is included.


Please help us with environmental conservancy and excess trash that we are responsible for removing from Fisher Farm property.  We have a huge group that has the potential for a truck load of trash!


REQUIRED - personal mess-kit for dinner

Camping supplies (see info document for pack list)

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