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Pack 58 COVID-19 Disclosure

September 2, 2020

As we embark on another Scouting season, Pack 58 faces a host of challenges presented by the current COVID-19 pandemic.  Families have varying degrees of concerns about exposure and others cannot participate in person.  It is obviously a tough time for many families.

After engaging families and receiving over 60 responses to our survey, Pack 58 and its leadership have decided to launch an in-person program this Fall that includes the following core tenets.  While we will do everything possible to maintain a safe program for our Cubs & families, it is still possible that families could be exposed to COVID or other illnesses.  By following the guidelines below, we will be as safe as we possibly can:

  • 100% Outdoor Program.  We cannot meet indoors at area churches and other facilities, so we are embracing the roots of Scouting... it may be wet, cold or dark... so families & Scouts need to focus on the BSA motto:  BE PREPARED!

  • Meetings will be at Den-level or in other small groups.  Pack 58 will adhere to all State & Local Guidelines covering outdoor gatherings.  Currently, in "Safer at Home Phase 2.5".  We will shoot for no more than 25 people in groups, subject to change as conditions improve.

  • Pack-level events will have time-slots for different ages/ranks to cycle through in smaller groups.  We will be using a lot of "SignUpGeniuses" this year!  Pack Leaders will track attendance, enabling future "contract tracing" if required.

  • A parent or guardian must attend meetings & events.  Pack 58 strongly encourages parental involvement in normal times... the more engaged families are, the better our program!  This is especially true now.  The current circumstances require parents help in the following 2 ways:

    • Pre-Event Health Screening.  Please follow this simple check-list before attending any function.  Further, if your Cub or anyone in your family has any symptoms OR has been in contact with someone that has contracted Covid-19, please keep our Pack safe by staying home.​

    • Ensure Cubs wear masks when in close proximity to others;
      Help your Den Leaders by supervising your Cub & ensuring proper social distancing/sanitation.  Our kids need social contact and camaraderie with their friends.  However, we do need parents to help maintain safe distancing and mask wearing if Cubs are not able to stay 6 ft apart.

  • Alternate "At Home" Scouting Track available soon!  We have several families that cannot assume the risks of in-person meetings.  We will be working on a modified program in parallel for those families.  Our goal is to be a resource and help parents... you have enough on your shoulders right now!  Contact Ashley with any questions.


COVID HIGHLIGHTS Families should Consider:

  • Precautions and mitigation strategies are important, but they cannot eliminate the potential for exposure to COVID-19 or any other illness when in-person activities resume.

  • People with COVID-19 may show no signs or symptoms of illness, but they can spread the virus.

  • Some people may be contagious before their symptoms occur. The fact is that someone with COVID-19 may pass the required health screenings and be allowed into program activities.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. If you are in this group, please ensure you have approval from your health care provider prior to resuming in-person Scouting activities.

  • Every member, volunteer and family must evaluate their unique circumstances and make an informed decision before attending in-person activities.

Please contact Rob with any questions, suggestions or concerns about Pack 58's policies or efforts.

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